• High tipping VS4

    Higher, faster, farther

    High tipping

    With the high-tipping technology it is possible to lift the dirt container of the compact sweeping machines up to a height of 1.50m to tip the swept dirt into an erected container. After emptying, the vehicle can then immediately continue its work in the area, a significant advantage to save time on the way for the operator.


    Conventional concepts for waste disposal and urban cleaning have been overtaken by reality. In the past, regular transport to the central landfill site was sufficient. The building yard took care of the rest. Today, increasing public events and the densification of the population in cities and communities are causing a new decentralised waste problem. Temporary troughs and containers are increasingly being used to save time and money. External service providers deliver wastes from these interim collection points to the landfill after they have been filled.

    High tipping, which is predominantly used in municipalities, is a very good example of how BROCK Sweeping Technology Co., Ltd. addresses the requirements of the market and its customers with its developments.
