Features 11 m³ 3.500 l 2,500 mm to 5,050 mm Key Facts suitable for long sweeping distance extremely suction-powerful configuration flexible You are here: Products Large Road Sweeper VS11 - 11m³ + 3500 [...] additional option of water recovery, the sweeper from the 11 m3 class is optimally equipped for covering long working distances. In addition to water reclamation, there are other additional options that make [...] ly selectable sweeper models, the VS11 can handle any future sweeping applications, no matter how long. The necessary power is provided by the innovative drive concepts of…
Features 8,5 m³ 1.600 l 2,500 mm to 5,050 mm Key Facts suitable for long sweeping distance extremely suction powerful configuration flexible You are here: Products Large Road Sweeper VS9 - 8,5m³ + 1600 [...] power and dirt container volume of 8.5 m 3 , the VS9 is ideally suited for cleaning applications over long distances and with stubborn dirt. The modern drive concepts of BROCK Kehrtechnik GmbH enable an efficient
efficient drive concepts also help make this sweeping machine a professional on construction sites or at long sweeping distances. Depending on the type of chassis, it is possible to choose between an additional
the customer fights for every litre", said Managing Director Thorsten Lass. This efficiency is also long since required in other sectors – for example, for cleaning in the inner area of towns. Here for example
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